T-2024715KOKON-33: Electrical Supply Installation (In progress)

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ℹī¸ Information

Ready to start: true


Project: Kokonut Seeds

Category: Infrastructure

Phase: Land Preparation

Budget: $ 592.22

⏱ī¸ Timing

Start: 2024-08-26

Duration: 15 days

Until deadline: -9 days

Estimated end date: 2024-09-10

Actual end date:

Days overdue:

🏗ī¸ Required equipment

No items have been found.

đŸŽŦ Task actions

We're still facing delays on this front, so to avoid any delays in the planting phase we secured an alternate energy source to power the farm irrigation system.
We're still facing delays on the final installation of the electrical system, and we're exploring options for this issue so as not to derail our roadmap for the planting phase.
The electrical system equipment construction has been completed, and it is scheduled to be installed on Saturday 7, 2024
The electrical system construction and setup is in the final phase, 2-day delayed so far, but the technician informed us it will be installed within 24–48 hours.
We paid 60% of the total quote, and the Electrical System Components construction has begun as we have special needs for our farm infrastructure.
We have the final quote from the local supplier, and we will now pay for 60% of the quote as an Advance Payment.
We continue to query suppliers trying to get the best price possible for this job, we're aiming to have our own Industrial Setup from the get-go, this will benefit the soon-to-be Kokonut Venus farm that is very close to Kokonut Seed's land.